OCHRONA WŁASNOŚCI INTELEKTUALNEJ - Doradztwo prawne, Certyfikacja jakości, Usługi e-biznesowe
Services of a patent attorney for the protection and protection of intellectual property
Making changes to the Trademark Register:From 500
Development or analysis of a license agreement:From 1000
International trademark registration:From 3000
Protection of the rights of the applicant / copyright holder in the Patent Office:From 4000
Preparation of an objection to the decision of the Patent Office:From 1500
Trademark verification for protectability (preliminary search):From 500
Registration disposal of the trademark right at the Patent Office:From 1000
trademark registration in the territory of the European Union, China, USA, Asia, CIS, Russia:From 3000
patent for an invention, a product:From 5000
Trademark/brand/logo registration:From 3000
Development or analysis of an agreement on the alienation of an exclusive right:From 2000